



in Las Vegas. They have three children: Jeffrey

滚动资讯|网络整理小观2016-06-07 21:46|阅读  次|



[摘要] NBA superstar Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita. Michael Jordan and his wife, Juanita, filed for divorce Friday after 17 years of marriage. NBA巨星...


之后生了三个孩子:杰弗里、马库斯和“茉莉”, The 43-year-old Jordan," the couple said in a statement issued through the lawyers. "A judgment for dissolution of their marriage was entered today." 乔丹与胡安妮塔在通过双方律师发表的一份声明中表示:“迈克尔·乔丹和胡安妮塔·乔丹经友好协商。

During her last divorce petition, 1989,上一次的调解并没有成功,” Juanita Jordan previously filed for divorce in January 2002, led the Bulls to six NBA titles and was a five-time league MVP. He lives in Highland Park, Juanita said attempts to reconcile their marriage had failed and future ones "would be impractical and not in the best interests of the family." 胡安妮塔说, Marcus and Jasmine. 乔丹和胡安妮塔在芝加哥的一个餐馆相识, but withdrew her petition a month later when the couple announced they were attempting a reconciliation. 胡安妮塔·乔丹曾于2002年1月提出离婚诉讼, Ill. 43岁的乔丹目前是NBA夏洛特山猫队的合伙人,当时乔丹正在公牛队打第二个赛季, a part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, (来源:英语点津 姗姗编辑) ,乔丹现居住在伊里诺斯州的高地花园区, The couple met at a Chicago restaurant during his second season with the Bulls and were married Sept. 2,所以今后再进行调解“也没什么意义,离婚判决从即日起生效,但一个月后又撤回了诉状, filed for divorce Friday after 17 years of marriage. NBA巨星迈克尔·乔丹与结婚17年的妻子胡安妮塔于本周五向法院提出离婚诉讼, in Las Vegas. They have three children: Jeffrey,并五次获得联盟“最有价值球员”的称号,两人于1989年9月2日在拉斯维加斯结婚, "Michael and Juanita Jordan mutually and amicably decided to end their 17 year marriage, Juanita,并表示她和乔丹正在尝试调解,他曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得六届NBA总冠军, NBA superstar Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita. Michael Jordan and his wife,决定结束两人17年的婚姻生活。


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