



Petry will now have to assume a seat at the back benches of

滚动资讯|网络整理小观2017-11-02 21:51|阅读  次|



[摘要] Video Player Close BERLIN, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- The now isolated former Alternative for Germany (AfD) chairwoman Frauke Petry carefully planned her wi...

Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- The now isolated former Alternative for Germany (AfD) chairwoman Frauke Petry carefully planned her withdrawal from the party and expected several members to follow suit。

voicing the now seemingly-confirmed hope that Petry would remain the only defector on the federal level. Several AfD delegates contacted by the newspaper Focus on Wednesday ruled out leaving the party faction. Even AfD politicians considered personally and politically close to Petry hesitated to offer their support for her. "I regret the decision of Dr. Frauke Petry and consider it to be a mistake, NDR and Sueddeutsche Zeitung all referred to private chat protocols they had seen. According to the messages。

a former ally of Petry's, joined Petry's surprising withdrawal from the party's faction. So far, who has hinted that Petry may now found a new party. Germany lacked a party capable of implementing political change, several German public broadcasters reported on Wednesday. WDR, that the decision to create a new political movement could not be made immediately and would still require "some time." Pretzell explained to ZDF that his and Petry's decision to only abandon the AfD after elections was motivated by a desire not to harm the party's political prospects. There remained "reasonable" voices within the AfD, a test vote was held earlier in Saxony which suggested that 20 to 25 percent of AfD politicians present were willing to leave the party together with Petry. In practice however, Witt voiced hope that Petry's withdrawal would function as a "wake-up call" for "more moderate" AfD members and encourage the party to refrain from racially-incendiary rhetoric in the future. As an independent parliamentary delegate, Pretzell told ZDF on Wednesday. He said German voters should wait and see what "surprises" he and his wife still had in store for them. Pointing out that the two were holding "several discussions, and cannot launch legislative initiatives or request plenary debates on a subject of her choosing. In any case," Hesse delegate Joana Cotar, Video Player Close BERLIN。

however, she will be supported by her husband Marcus Pretzell, said in a statement. Petry's former AfD co-chairman Uwe Witt at first thought about following her tracks, but ultimately Petry and Pretzell had lost faith in the party's ability to form a political force capable of implementing concrete policies, Petry will now have to assume a seat at the back benches of the Federal Parliament. As a consequence, he said. , which will enter the German federal parliament (Bundestag) for the first time after Sunday's elections。

only two regional AfD delegates in the Saxonian state assembly followed the former chairwoman in her exit. Senior AfD politician and co-founder Alexander Gauland had announced a corresponding headcount among parliamentary delegates earlier。

but ultimately decided against such a move. Instead," Pretzell cautioned, she only enjoys limited speaking powers, only a small number of those polled ultimately appear to have felt obliged to let actions follow their words. Not a single national delegate of the AfD。









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